Social bars have been around for decades; however finding one that has the perfect mix of atmosphere, essence, and quality is extremely hard in today’s “bar” market. Gone are the days where you have to go to a dedicated bar for drinks with your friends. These traditional ‘bars’ are often only opened at night and filled with drunk strangers that have no respect for your personal space.
In today’s blog, we’ll be looking at one of the best social bars for uni students in Budapest. Tucked away on the little street corner of Tuzolto u and Thaly Kalman u., right next to Dean’s College Hotel (where a lot of Corvinus international/exchange students live) lies an upbeat and lively restaurants/bar duo named Pompas. Immediately when you walk in, you are greeted with a large, open room with plenty of seating. To your right is the counter where they also have the pizza oven constantly being filled with orders. On top of this, there is also the ‘cafe’ part of the restaurant on the right of the pizza counter.
This restaurant not only markets themselves as a ‘social bar’ but also as a restaurant + cafe. Pompas is the epitome of modern restaurants maximizing their real estate in order to diversify their food options. With more and more restaurants embracing the ‘social culture’ of eating out, offering alcohol is a great way to incentivize more customers. Pompas has a great vibe and culture that perfectly targets their main demographic of young adults who like to eat at restaurants with their food while having some drinks.
You may not think of Pompas as a traditional “bar”, but we ultimately felt that the uniqueness of marketing itself as a ‘social bar’ was worthy enough to mention. Pompas not only offers incredible food options (mostly Pizzas), but it also offers the chance to get cafe items such as pastries and coffee. Social bars are not uncommon, especially in Budapest, however finding one that has the right amount of essence and ‘vibe’ so-to-speak is incredibly difficult. Pompas Budapest is the premiere option for university students in Budapest (especially those living at Dean’s College) to enjoy a nice cocktail or beer while munching on extremely good food. We highly, highly recommend this bar for your next outing!
- Jesse Chou
